Friday, October 10, 2008

Back in Singapore

Lebanon DFS
Hmmm.. Strange, wanted to buy a bottle of vodka level for kh, so when I am at the Lebanon DFS, I tried to buy the alcohol, but the people there says that if my final destination is not Doha, then they are not able to sell me the alcohol.... Didn't know that such rule is being implemented. Such a pity... The alcohols from Lebanon DFS are cheaper. :(

Doha Airport
When reached Doha airport, the first thing I do is to buy a bottle for vodka level for kh, and then proceed to the Qatar airline business class lounge.
Frankly speaking, i think the business class lounge looks like library in Singapore. lol.

I am too full to eat most of the food, so had only desserts there.

Stuffs brought back to Singapore
1) Qatar Airline toiletories - Most of the stuffs are from Aigner. O.o

2) Qatar Airline clothes for sleeping? (1 and 2 are given to all the passengers flying on biz class, not sure about economy and first class)

3) Mint Tea - Aids digestion (good for me after eating so much stuffs at Lebanon)

4) Traditional Lebanese Oriental Sweets (drool~~~ its nice.. but not suitable for people who doesnt like very sweet stuffs. lol)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Day 4 in Lebanon - Beirut

Supposed to be a light dinner....
Had a late lunch today (Italian food, treat by my user again. hehehe.. forgot to take the photo of the food)... So, thinking of having some snacks and something light. Saw club sandwich in the room service menu, thought that sandwiches shouldn't be so filling, so I ordered club sandwich as main course and fried shrimps as appetizer. Who knows...... (see the pictures) Managed to finish the plate of fried shrimps and 2 pieces of sandwiches only.... And I am soooooo full after that. =.="

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 3 in Lebanon - Beirut

Dinner Today
Haizz... Had a sinful dinner today...
Poussin Grille (Grilled boneless chicken with french fries)
Fried Calamari
Green Tea & Mint

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 2 in Lebanon - Beirut

Lunch Break
Hmmm... Had a very sinful and filling lunch today.... A treat from my Lebanese user...

I have noticed this when having lunch in the restaurant... Some Lebanese guys are smoking thru this water pipe thingy. They called it shisha. Shisha is a Middle-Eastern smoking tradition that began hundreds of years ago. The tobacco is soaked in fruit shavings such as strawberry, apples or grapes. A small charcoal tablet is used to heat the special flavored tobacco gently. The tobacco never burns, instead, it is filtered when drawn through the water-filled, hand-blown glass base and inhaled through the embroidered hoses. It is claimed that the vapor is incredibly smooth, sweet and aromatic. This shisha thingy is more harmful than normal cigarette. When smoking for one hour via shisha, it is as harmful as smoking up to 200 cigarettes according to some articles. Scary....

A guy with shisha pipe on his lap.

Dinner Time
Ordered dinner from my room.... I told the Room Service operator that I want Poached Salmon for my main course... but Grilled Salmon is send to me instead.... =.="
- Minestone Soup
- Grilled Salmon, with seperate buttered lemon sauce

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day 1 in Lebanon - Beirut

Due to work, I have to fly to Beirut for 4 days. There is no direct flight to Beirut, so I will be taking Qatar Airline transiting at Doha to take the connecting flight to Beirut....

Qatar Airline Flight From Singapore
I am down with flu and cough. On the flight from Singapore to Doha, one of the flight attendant noticed that I am unwell, so he came to ask if he could help me on anything. On SQ flights, the flight attendants that I have come across are never this attentive to their passenger. Overall, my impression of Qatar airline is good in terms of flight experience and flight attendants' service quality.

Qatar Airline Lounge
After 7+ hours flight from Singapore to Doha, I have to spent 2 hours at Doha Airport to wait for the connecting flight to Beirut. As this is the 1st time my PM and I are traveling on 1st class via Qatar Airline, we decided to go to the Qatar airline's 1st class lounge. The lounge looks ordinary as compared to SQ Raffles Class lounge at Singapore and Emirates' Business class lounge at Dubai.

Beirut Airport Transfer to Hotel

On the way from the airport to the hotel, for every few hundred meters, you can see soldiers armed with weapons....

I saw a lot of construction works going on, I am told that some of the construction works is to rebuild buildings that are being bombed previously.

My Hotel Room
A few years ago in year 2005, a car bombing incident which killed one of the former Lebanese prime minister happened near the hotel i am currently staying. The hotel is affected by the bomb and has undergo some rebuilding. From the balcony of my room, I can see the after-bomb trait of some buildings.

My Lunch+Dinner
Minestone Soup
Sea bass grilled, with seperate buttered lemon sauce and boiled vegetables (instead of french fries)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mobile Diet Tracker

Found an interesting application which can be dled to the hp.

Diet Tracker, a useful tool that helps to keep track of the calorie and fat intake through mobile phone! This application is able to do a diet analysis of the your food consumption of the day and compute the amount of energy and fat intake. With this application, you will be able to know if your food intake of the day exceeds the estimated energy and fats requirement per day. The application allows user to store information up to 7 days. After which, the application will replace current data with subsequent entries.