Sunday, November 16, 2008

Non-baked Lemon Cheesecake - 2nd attempt

This is my 2nd attempt in making the non-baked lemon cheesecake. Failed my 1st attempt as the cheesecake failed to hardened. The cheesecake is successful after my 2nd attempt. But, the colour is not correct as I bought the wrong agar agar powder.... I didn't noticed that there is colouring for the agar agar powder, I thought it is colourless :(.... So, in the end, my non-baked lemon cheesecake become green colour. Machiam pandan cake.... dotz... =.=" Anyway, I found the recipe from Florence's blogspot. She has posted a few non-baked cheesecake recipe in her blog.
Note: Something different from the original recipe. I have replaced gelatin with agar agar powder as my family members are lacto vegetarian... (And =.=", this is the reason i failed the first attempt, coz i didn't use gelatin. =.=")
Mom: - Doesn't taste like cheesecake, no cheese taste. Oreo cheesecake tastes better.
Bro: - Same. Doesn't taste like cheesecake, no cheese taste. Tastes like normal cake. Hardness wise, still ok. Nothing fascinating.
Ok, looking at the comment, I think maybe I did something wrong in the middle.. or maybe because of the agar agar??? Haiz. My next try will be lemon cheesecake again, but using 2 blocks of cream cheese and eggs, omitting the whipping cream and agar agar to see if it tastes better.

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