Sunday, November 23, 2008

Non-baked Lemon Cheesecake - 3rd attempt

This time I have used the non-baked lemon cheesecake recipe found on the Philadelphia cream cheese box. In the original recipe, gelatine is used, but for this attempt, I have replaced gelatine with agar agar powder. The outcome of the cheesecake is too soft, but still able to set. I guess its because of the lemon's acidity. I did some findings online and found that agar agar does not really work well with acidic food as it contains enzymes which break down the gelling ability... I guess I have to add more agar agar to the mixture in order to make the cake set well.

Personally, I find it quite sweet. =.="
Mom: Sweetness is just right, but the cheesecake is too soft.
Brother: Its very sweet... He prefer chocolate cheesecake.
KH: Too soft.
Fei-li-pu: The cheesecake is ok. Sweetness is ok. He likes the crust. =.=" Suggested me to make lemon yogurt cake.

8 pcs Digestive Biscuits crumbs
50g unsalted butter melted
2x 250g Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened at room temperature
1 tbsp agar agar powder
1/4 cup water
400g can Full Cream Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 tbsp grated lemon rind

1) Mix biscuit crumbs with melted butter and press into based of a 20cm baking pan. Freeze the pan for abt 30mins.
2) Beat cream cheese with a mixer until smooth.
3) Add in condensed milk, lemon juice and rind.
4) Mix and stir agar agar powder in water. Simmer over low heat until dissolved.
5) Blend in the agar agar into the cream cheese mixture.
6) Pour the cream cheese mixture into the baking pan. Chill in refrigerator overnight.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

He put me plane again

Yesterday he put me plane again. We had agreed to meet up for dinner, but he overslept and left me waiting for more than an hour at bugis junction. I had tried to call him for >10 times, but no answer. Sms him, he doesn't reply me. Even though he knows that I called him, he never call me back to ask why i called. So irresponsible.

Many times when we meet up, he is always late for 40 mins or more. I am already very hungry by then, but he is so inconsiderate leaving me waiting for him. The only time when he is on time is when we are meeting his friends also. Sometimes i am wondering if we should carry on like this. He is not putting in any effort. Most of the times, he doesn't admit his mistakes. He doesnt't even say sorry to me when he is late. He is not respecting me and this relationship.

Since he dun like to talk to me on the phone, I will never ever call him again unless he take his initiative to call me.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Non-baked Lemon Cheesecake - 2nd attempt

This is my 2nd attempt in making the non-baked lemon cheesecake. Failed my 1st attempt as the cheesecake failed to hardened. The cheesecake is successful after my 2nd attempt. But, the colour is not correct as I bought the wrong agar agar powder.... I didn't noticed that there is colouring for the agar agar powder, I thought it is colourless :(.... So, in the end, my non-baked lemon cheesecake become green colour. Machiam pandan cake.... dotz... =.=" Anyway, I found the recipe from Florence's blogspot. She has posted a few non-baked cheesecake recipe in her blog.
Note: Something different from the original recipe. I have replaced gelatin with agar agar powder as my family members are lacto vegetarian... (And =.=", this is the reason i failed the first attempt, coz i didn't use gelatin. =.=")
Mom: - Doesn't taste like cheesecake, no cheese taste. Oreo cheesecake tastes better.
Bro: - Same. Doesn't taste like cheesecake, no cheese taste. Tastes like normal cake. Hardness wise, still ok. Nothing fascinating.
Ok, looking at the comment, I think maybe I did something wrong in the middle.. or maybe because of the agar agar??? Haiz. My next try will be lemon cheesecake again, but using 2 blocks of cream cheese and eggs, omitting the whipping cream and agar agar to see if it tastes better.

Non-baked Oreo Cheesecake - 1st attempt

Found this recipe on flowerpod forum posted by bernice, so I decided to give it a try. My first attempt of Non-baked Oreo cheesecake. Comments from Kelly and my family are good. Personally I find the taste ok, but kh find it a bit cheesy and not sweet enough. So, I did a second try on making the cheesecake again. This time i added more sugar. And voilĂ , kh commented it tastes perfect.