Friday, September 19, 2008

Mystic Endless Knot & Wish Fulfilling Gems

Mystic Endless Knot

Made from jade, the 'Mystic Endless Knot' is a powerful emblem to ward off unwanted attention, bad vibes and negative energies. It is also said to bring one un-interrupted success, good health and happiness.

Never ending with no beginning, it is symbolic of one's life aspirations for perfertion, everlasting love, endless wealth, smooth partnerships and a union of friendship like no others.

It should be displayed at home to improve family bond as well as to bring peace and bliss to all. Otherwise, display one in the office to ensure the protection from bad deals and debts.

Wish Fulfilling Gems
Empower one's potentials with the gems for positive energies.
Blue - Health, Healing, Strength and Career.
Clear - Clear thoughts, Vision, Inspiration.
Green - Growth, Development, Intellect.
Pink - Good Relationships, Love and Romance.
Purple - Calming Effect, Wisdom, Balance.
Red - Fame, Recognition, Promotion.
Yellow - Wealth, Money, Good Fortune.

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